- technical-workshop.
- devops-for-developers-workshop, DevOps to make developer life easier.
Workshop Videos
- Session on Jenkins, Docker and Docker Compose basics.
- Building Microservices with Spring Cloud basics.
- Session on Java Web Application with Spring Boot basics.
- Session on Git, Java and Maven basics.
Projects with Long-term support (LTS)
- Production-Ready Microservices Starter, business-ready microservice.
- OpenBlog, Open Source Blogging Engine
- Single database schema multi-tenancy solution for Spring Data JPA
Good code example
- iot-hub, IoT Hub APIs with Spring Boot + Kafka + Kafka-connect + Eclipse Mosquitto + InfluxDB.
- charging-station-sessions, Design of analytics APIs.
- iot-platform-api, IoT Platform APIs with Spring Boot + Kafka + InfluxDB.
- stock-api, APIs with Spring Boot + AKKA + Cassandra + Angular.
- rock-paper-scissors, Game engine.
- restaurants-data-scraper, Event driven approach for scraper.
My Dev Setup
- dev-setup, Docker composes used in daily basis.
- bash-scripts, Frequently used Bash Scripts.